Mental health is a commonly overlooked issue and there is a lot of stigma surrounding it. Many people believe that being mentally unwell is a weakness or think that people fake the symptoms. However, mental health is as serious as any other condition that is thought to be a serious disease. Mental conditions have a great impact on the general body health and when overlooked, it has resulted in the loss of lives.
The first step in improving your mental health is recognizing that you have a problem and then gaining the courage to seek professional help. Having a strong support system of family or friends will help in dealing with your condition because you learn that you are not alone. Seeking help from a mental health specialist will help you to get an exact diagnosis, to treat the condition and teach you better ways of coping.
What is the Impact of Stigma in Mental Health?
Stigma results when other people discriminate or separate themselves from a person who is suffering from a mental condition. It occurs because other people think that the sick person is faking the symptoms or that they feel superior to them. After all, they are healthy. The world has created a negative stereotype of people who are suffering from mental conditions and these people end up not being treated equally with those who are considered to be healthy.
There are different types of stigma that is, self-stigma, social stigma, and structural stigma. Self-stigma occurs when you start looking down on yourself, having self-pity, refusing to seek help for your condition, having negative thoughts about yourself, and being in denial that you are mentally unwell. Social stigma comes from society discriminating against a person who has a mental condition and creating stereotypes.
Social stigma can also come from the individual when he or she thinks that society hates them and thinks that everyone is going to stigmatize them. Structural stigma results from policies and laws that operate with institutions that limit opportunities and fair treatment of people living with mental conditions and tend to favor people who are not mentally sick.
The most significant effect of stigma is a refusal and delay in seeking help from mental health professionals and denial. This has a significant impact on the general health of the individual. Lives have been lost through suicide because people felt like society hates them and no one cares about what they are going through. Stigma also discriminates against people living with mental conditions and therefore they do not get equal opportunities like other people.
Lack of employment reduces the capacity to afford treatment and consultations with specialists. Stigma also creates a feeling of guilt and shame reducing the quality of life of these people. Stigma can be reduced by creating awareness of mental health issues and encouraging people to seek counseling. Australians can find help at so that they can have someone to walk to on their journey towards healing. Make sure to ask for recommendations for counselors in your area beforehand.
How can You Improve Your Mental Health in 2020?
You can improve your mental health by focusing on positive things in life and shed negative thoughts. Doing things that you enjoy like traveling will come in handy. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins from the brain, which help you feel good and thus elevate your mood. Having adequate sleep is good for your mental health because it helps you to get enough sleep.
Taking care of your general health by eating healthy foods and staying well hydrated is also taking care of your mental health. It has been shown that deficiency of some minerals causes mental diseases and therefore it is important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fat, minerals, and vitamins. Dehydration can cause confusion thus water is important.
It is important to have a support system for your family and friends who you can talk to and will keep encouraging you. Avoid negative energy and keep people who do not give you good vibes. Meditation and yoga can help to relax your mind and so can aromatherapy. Avoid and quit using substance abuse because some drugs like alcohol aggravate mental issues. Be kind to yourself and do not beat up yourself for things that you have no control over.
Find things that make you happy or a friend who adds joy to your life and do more of it. Write down your thoughts, your fears, and achievements. This will help you remove the negative energy from your mind that comes from negative thoughts. Join a support group. Identify what triggers your stress and symptoms and avoid them if you can. Love yourself.
Explore and identify new hobbies and things that make you happy. Accept yourself and your flaws because denial is bad for your mental health. Treat other people as you would want to be treated and find new healthy relationships. Get the courage to seek help from a qualified specialist because that will kick off the journey to healing. Always remember that you are an important person and you matter.
Mental health has an important impact on your general health. Positivity is key. To improve your mental health, eat right, exercise, get a support system, and avoid negative energy. Always remember that you are valued. Seek help from a qualified professional for your mental symptoms so that you learn to cope and improve your quality of life.