Some Common Reasons Why Dental Implants Fail, and What You can do to Improve Their Success
Dental implants have come a long way since first bursting onto the scene in their current form in the late 1970s, and today they’re easily the most realistic, highest quality, natural-feeling, and even healthiest option available for replacing damaged or missing teeth. They’re also the longest lasting option, and therefore most cost effective, with most patients being able to enjoy their implants for the rest of their life, so long as they’re properly taken care of.
There are a number of factors though that can contribute to the ultimate success—or failure—of your dental implants, and most of these will be within your own control. While the good news is that 95 to 98 percent of all dental implants Turkey procedures run smoothly with no issues at all, someone has to be that 2 to 5 percent that’ll unfortunately experience some issues. It’s therefore important to know some of the ways in which your dental implants could fail, and what you can do to try and prevent any failures from occurring.
What Can Cause Dental Implant Failure?
There are a number of reasons why dental implants can fail, and the most common culprits are bone loss and infection. The good news is these are also the most preventable, so long as you continue to take good care of your teeth after the procedure.
The following is an in-depth breakdown of these and more:
Peri-implantitis is an infection that can form inside the gums and around your dental implant after having it fitted, typically as a result of poor dental hygiene. If not treated, then peri-implantitis can lead to implant failure and erosion of the jawbone.
Insufficient jawbone mass
A successful dental implant procedure is reliant on a process known as osseointegration. This is where the titanium implant and the surrounding jawbone and gum tissues heal together and fuse, creating an incredibly tight bond. Without sufficient jawbone mass this process won’t properly take place, and the implant surgery will fail. A bone graft or augmentation procedure will therefore be necessary before anything else can go ahead.
There are a few reasons why bone loss can occur, but in most cases it’s due to osteoporosis. As bone density decreases, the jawbone becomes more fragile, increasing the risk of a fracture occurring. Severe gum disease can also be the culprit, as well as the bone generally eroding the longer it’s left without a tooth plugging the gap.
Gum disease
Having healthy gums is perhaps the most important requirement of anyone looking to undergo dental implant surgery, so anyone with gum disease will find themselves instantly disqualified.
Not only can gum disease damage the gums, but it can also damage the jawbone too, and it won’t be long until an untreated infection made its way to a dental implant. If you’re looking to get dental implant surgery and you have gum disease—or even if you suspect you might have it—it’s important that you visit your dentist and get it treated first.
Poor oral hygiene
Practicing a good level of oral hygiene after your dental implant surgery is vital, as it’ll play a huge part in the procedure’s success. If for any reason you’re unable to thoroughly clean your teeth and maintain a good level of oral hygiene, then you won’t be a good candidate for dental implants.
Medical issues
Any patients with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or other likewise conditions may be at risk of dental implant failure. Conditions such as these slow the body’s healing process way down, which could prevent the implant from fully fusing with the jaw. There are also a number of medications that could cause problems too, so it’s always vital that you inform your dentist of any prescription, over the counter, or herbal medications that you might be taking.
Smoking can be another cause of dental implant failure, due to the way it too slows down healing and restricts the flow of blood to the gums. According to research, those who smoke are at a 20% higher risk of dental implant failure.
While simply being a smoker in and of itself isn’t an automatic fail for dental implant candidacy, you’ll do a lot better if you stop smoking no fewer than a week prior to your treatment, and continue keep it up for at least 2 months afterwards as you heal.
How You can Tell if You’ve a Failing Dental Implant
As we’ve seen, there are numerous different reasons why a dental implant may fail. When it comes to the signs that it’s failing though, it’ll be the same no matter what.
The main things you’ll notice if you’ve a failing dental implant will be severe pain and discomfort, either in the implant or around it. You may also notice the implant starting to become dislodged, or that your gums have become inflamed and swollen.
What You Should do if You’ve a Failing Dental Implant
What to do in the case of a failing implant however will differ depending on the cause. If peri-implantitis is the cause, then treating the issue may be as easy as simply cleaning it and ensuring better oral hygiene going forward. Cases where peri-implantitis has been caught and treated early on are rarely ever victim to anything more serious.
If stress or damage to the jawbone is the cause though, chances are a bone graft will be necessary. A sufficient amount of bone density is vital to the success of a dental implant, so without the bone graft, the implant won’t be doing much good.
What You Can do to Prevent Dental Implant Failure
While all of this may sound a bit alarming, the truth is only around 2% to 5% of all dental implants will ever fail, and it’s actually pretty easy to prevent.
The best thing you can do of all is to simply maintain a good level of dental hygiene. This means brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash. Essentially, take care of your teeth, and don’t treat your implants any less than you would the rest of your natural teeth.
Another small change you can make is to be mindful of your diet. A few foods like hard candy, nuts, and popcorn kernels could cause issues, so be always be cautious.