While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage through the world, many people, rightfully, are still quarantined indoors. To make this gruesome time slightly easier to tolerate, everyone is stocking up on all kinds of goods, from foods and groceries to home gyms and entertainment systems.
The beginning of the pandemic in early 2020 saw people stockpiling groceries and sanitary items. However, as the year progressed, purchases started being made on items that would make quarantining at home slightly easier and perhaps even entertaining. Below is a list of some of the items that were selling, like hot cakes during the last year.
Household cleaners and sanitary products
During the first few weeks of the pandemic, the public in America went berserk, stocking up on toilet paper; and fights and brawls over toilet paper rolls became common headlines. While sanitizers have been selling like never before, keeping our homes clean has been just as important. Disinfectant wipes and sprays have been selling out quickly.
Resistance bands
With so many people unable to go to the gym, quarantine home workouts became insanely popular. People were trying to find different ways to stay fit and healthy at home, with minimal equipment. Resistance bands became the perfect product for both people who were just starting with workouts and gym experts. They were cheap, light, and easy to purchase.
Blue light glasses
With the entire world in lockdown, everything got reduced to a screen. From playschools to universities and offices, work from home was enforced, and everything shifted online. Blue light glasses became popular, blocking out the harsh blue light of the screens and protecting our eyes after being exposed to several hours of screen time each day.
Pet beds
It is no doubt that quarantine was a lonely and emotionally taxing time for a lot of individuals. The pandemic, fortunately for animals in need, sparked public interest in the adoption of pets. Mainly, cat and dog adoptions have peaked worldwide since April 2020. Pet beds are a necessity for the essential comfort of one’s pet.
Coffee and coffee-maker
With work from home becoming a norm, coffee became essential for many people to help stay energized and active in the comfort of their own home. Nestle Nescafe, Coffee-Mate and Starbucks were some of the coffee brands that saw a significant rise in sales in 2020.
Jewelry and Watches
Although we saw an economic dip, people did invest in precious metals and items. Since most of us were confined inside the house, it also cut down on many expenses leading to some savings. To pamper and feel loved, many even gifted themselves jewelry and expensive watches, say some jewelry retailers.
Almost a year and a half into this severe pandemic, times have been uncertain and unforgiving. People thus find comfort in purchasing things, however big or small, to feel a sense of comfort; and, more than anything, to feel like they have their lives in control. These physical items can help be an anchor or a tool for survival for a lot of people. E-commerce has surged and advanced, with people shopping for almost everything online, available at their fingertips. The coming year will perhaps see even more surprising items that have been selling in large proportions.