Vaccinations are an essential part of cat ownership. They help to protect both your cat and other cats from a range of highly infectious and dangerous diseases. Vaccinations are a safe and effective way to protect your cat from these easily preventable conditions and could save you some expensive trips to the vet further down the line. Here are some answers to common questions cat owners have about vaccinating their furry friends:
Are vaccines really necessary?
Vaccines are essential for protecting your cat against serious diseases such as rabies and feline leukemia (FeLV). Even if your cat is an indoor cat, it is still better to be safe than sorry in case your cat ever does come into contact with an infected cat. It is also a legal requirement in many states that your cat at least has the rabies vaccine due to this disease’s highly contagious and deadly nature.
Which vaccines does my cat need?
There are two types of cat vaccinations: core vaccinations, which are essential for all cats, whether they are indoor or outdoor, and non-core vaccinations, which are still recommended for most cats but are especially important for outdoor cats. The core vaccinations are the rabies vaccine, the feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia (FVRCP) vaccine, and the feline herpesvirus type I (FHV, FHV-1) vaccine. Non-core vaccines protect against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia (FeLV), bordetella, and chlamydophila felis. Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, your vet can recommend which vaccinations are suitable.
Where can I get my cat vaccinated?
Getting your cat vaccinated is a simple and routine process. Many vets offer a range of initial and booster vaccines for cats and kittens. For example, if you’re based in Virginia, you can find comprehensive cat vaccination in Midlothian. This vet provides both core and non-core vaccines and can recommend which shots are right for your cat.
How often does my cat need vaccinating?
Kittens should start getting their shots when they are between six to eight weeks old until they are around 16 weeks old. The different shots are given with intervals of three to four weeks between each one. They will then need booster vaccinations a year later. To maintain the effectiveness of the vaccines, adult cats should then have boosters approximately every one to three years. Exactly how often a vaccine needs boosting depends on how long it is designed to last, so ask your vet what the best vaccination schedule is for each shot.
Don’t take the risk of not vaccinating
Not vaccinating your cat isn’t worth the risk. Even if you plan to keep your cat indoors, it is still absolutely essential that it is at the very least protected with the core vaccines. This will give you peace of mind that your cat will be protected from deadly diseases, such as rabies, and will save you a lot of stress, money, and potential heartbreak in the long-run. Prevention is better than cure, so be proactive and get your cat protected as soon as possible.