Author: Naluda Magazine

Nowadays, medicines are built by one of two types of healthcare entities, with the first being pharmaceutical companies and the other biotechnology companies. However, it should be noted that both entities have very different operating models and have very different financial implications from an investor or shareholder perspective. In a nutshell, you could explain the key difference between the two by saying that biotech companies produce medicines through living organisms and pharmaceutical companies do the same using synthetic chemicals. However, the differences are too intricate to be put in a nutshell and both entities deserve a more detailed explanation to…

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Interview with talented Singer-­Songwriter Renée Wynter who will be releasing her highly anticipated brand-­new single Speak on October 1st. Inspired by the complications of modern relationships, Speak is an emotional R&B ballad that paints the importance of open communication with your significant other. Would you be interested in speaking to her about her new single? Renée has established herself as a must-­watch artist in the industry and has worked with some of the music industry’s most notable producers and songwriters such as Bigg Wu, Luney Tunez, Tone Mason, Oshea Hunter and Cory Rooney, among others. For her latest single Speak,…

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When life gets too much, sometimes you just need to get away from it all, and there’s no reason why you can’t. Why not book a weekend trip away and take some well-deserved time out? If you work unsociable hours or run a business, you may be guilty of letting your weekends go by without truly making the most of your spare time, Although part of the delight is simply venturing off impulsively, it would always be worthwhile to do a bit of planning so you’re well-prepared and can look forward to your 48 mini-break. Check out the useful tips…

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Road trips offer countless amazing benefits. This includes the ultimate freedom to explore a new destination and enjoy everything that the area has to offer. To help you organize the perfect getaway, here’s a 5-step guide to planning a road trip. Step 1: Choose a route The first step to planning any road trip is to determine your destination and travel route. You may decide to do a road trip in your home country; or, you could fly to an entirely new destination and do a road trip once you arrive. Fortunately, you can find many resources online giving advice…

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There’s no doubt about it: technology and the internet have changed how consumers buy their fashion. Fashion industries have needed to adjust their business processes to fulfil this new demand. So how exactly has online shopping redefined fashion? There is More Focus on Sustainable Fashion Any and all businesses should be focusing more on environmentally-friendly methods of operation. Online shopping has presented the opportunity to focus more on sustainable fashion options and find a way to produce fashion which has less of an impact on the environment. Fashion has fast become one of the biggest impactors on the planet in…

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If you decided to become a college student, there’s no way to avoid writing essays. Essay is one of the common types of academic writing aimed at developing essential skills in students. Essays are assigned on a regular basis in multiple classes, such as Law, English, Commercial Management, and others. So, it’s up to you to learn how to write effective, strong, and appealing college papers, which will help you impress your instructors. Of course, there’s no universal recipe for a successful essay. Each student adopts and utilizes only those writing strategies and techniques they find most helpful and efficient.…

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In treating your beard there are a couple of ways to go about it, although the manner and method to go about is dependant on what you are looking to achieve in your look. Whether looking for a bushy lumberjack look or a more groomed and styled beard it is essential to keep it well maintained. An increasingly popular way to keep facial hair well maintained and in good condition is to make use of a heated beard straightener. The reason for this is that it works to enhance features of the beard that end up being neglected by other…

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Cowboy boots are a true American tradition. They go back more than a century and have been a big part of our nation’s history. But if you’re not a cowboy, maybe you’ve never worn a pair of real western boots. Well, it’s time for that to change because cowboy boots can really put together a fashionable look that is both trendy and classic and can make you stand out in a crowd. Here are four tips for wearing cowboy boots without looking like a farmer: Cowboy Boots Make a Fashion Statement When a man is wearing cowboy boots, he is…

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