Having a baby is an amazing magical thing but it also means a lot less sleep for new parents. This is because babies are supposed to wake up throughout the night so their parents can feed them. While this works out fine for a while, when the baby continues to stay awake longer, new parents will have difficulty dealing with lack of sleep, hampering their ability to function normally. There are effective solutions for new parents to deal with sleep deprivation and catch up on some sleep, however, that you should know about.
1. Innovative Tech
While babies are bound to wake up during the night when they’re hungry or need something else, they also tend to get a bit fussy even when all of their needs are met. That’s completely normal, of course, but it also means that parents are working on fumes at a certain point. If you know this all too well, you might want to look into Snoo Smart Sleep Bassinet rental options, which will provide the baby with conditions similar to what they’ve experienced in the womb, like white noise, rocking motions, and it has a swaddling option as well. Giving your child the optimal conditions it needs to have a less interrupted sleep schedule is not only beneficial for the child itself – since sleep is an important part of development, both mental and physical – but also for the parents. When you’re well-rested, you’ll be in a much better place to provide everything your baby needs and to fully enjoy your new family life without being constrained by a lack of energy.
2. Stick to a Schedule
A baby should have a daily routine that includes feeding, changing diapers, playing time, and getting ready for sleep. Doing this consistently will mean that your child will get used to falling asleep at certain times of the day. If your baby’s schedule is disrupted, this can be a huge reason for them to continue waking up throughout the night. Depending on how old the baby is, you might want to start discouraging them from having naps at certain times, so that they’ll be able to sleep through most of the night. Besides that, everything is completely new to the baby – and just like adults can find completely new situations overwhelming, babies can get overstimulated too. By introducing a relatively strict routine, you’re enabling them to learn about the world while feeling safe and secure, which can result in better sleeping patterns as well.
3. Work As A Team
You and your partner are in this together. That being said, breastfeeding moms tend to get stuck with night duty to a much greater extent. However, it really doesn’t have to be too one-sided. Feeding the baby doesn’t really just mean feeding it. You also need to burp it, change the diaper when necessary, and soothe it back to sleep, all of which can take a while. An option some parents prefer is to have the mother breastfeed the baby, and then wake the other partner up to do the rest while she goes back to sleep. That way, neither of the parents have to stay up for too long during the night, which means they can both get the proper rest they need to have enough energy to take care of the baby, and complete other tasks during the following day. Another option is to create shifts of sorts. By using breast pumps to maintain your milk supply, you can simply pump when it’s your partner’s turn to feed the baby and take that night off.
4. Take Care Of Your Body
Taking care of a baby requires a lot of energy in general, but especially so if you’re a biological mom as well. Looking into postnatal vitamins that are safe for breastfeeding can not only help with your milk supply and general health but can also work wonders for your energy levels and mood. In addition to that, if you’re not eating enough and you feel constantly tired, even after getting the proper amount of sleep, it’s time to start paying attention to your nutrition. Eating a diet filled with berries, veggies, and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals is a great way to make sure your body has everything it needs. Even if you don’t tend to cook much, eating more often can go a long way. You could invest in some healthy snacks for when you need an extra boost of energy or be on the lookout for healthier fast food options.
And that’s it! When dealing with sleep deprivation, it is important to be aware of the obstacles you might face, and then plan around them. Chances are you won’t get as much sleep as you did before you became a parent, but sleep deprivation isn’t something you need to pin yourself down to. Make sure your baby gets a healthy routine and that you take care of your physical and mental health, and soon enough you’ll have the energy to keep up with everything going on in your new life!