Every one of us probably had skin rashes at some point in life. It’s a skin disorder that appears due to a variety of reasons. A skin rash is quite a broad illness that comes in many different forms. The most common type is atopic dermatitis, which is a condition that makes your skin very itchy and red. It is usually prevalent among children but it can affect anyone at any age. Other types of skin rashes include the Fifth Disease, Eczema, Impetigo, Drug Rash, Chickenpox, Ringworm, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), and Heat Rash or Miliaria.
For effective treatment, it is best to consult a medical expert for proper advice. Early management is vital in keeping any form of skin disorder, like skin rashes, from progressing into life-threatening conditions.
What Causes Skin Rashes
The skin is the largest organ of the body that acts as a protective barrier against physical, thermal, and mechanical substances. It also protects us from the harmful effects of sunlight, while serving as a sensory organ, at the same time. The skin contains special cells from the immune system that protects our bodies from viral and bacterial threats.
Every time the cells detect any threat to the skin, or when it comes in contact with foreign bodies, they will start a chain reaction in the skin, resulting in inflammation. In medical terms, the reaction is called dermatitis. But in layman’s terms, it is commonly known as skin rashes.
Rashes usually appear right after exposure to some triggers. Finding out the cause of the ailment is vital in relieving the symptoms. So, it’s important to know the triggers that resulted in the skin reaction and rashes. It could be from an allergy to food, chickenpox, poison ivy, infections, heat, allergens, immune system disorders, and medications.
Sometimes, skin rashes occur due to the reaction of the immune system to something that comes in direct contact with the skin like nickel earrings. But other times, it shows up not as a primary cause but as symptoms of an infection in the body, or an existing illness.
Certain drugs can cause rashes to the skin, especially those who are allergic to some medications. For this reason, medical practitioners sometimes conduct skin tests before giving medications to patients. Reaction to some drugs, like amoxicillin, may not happen the first time it is taken. There are instances where it occurs after several intakes. However, not all drugs can cause skin rashes. It depends on the individual immune system. Certain drugs may cause allergic reactions to a few people, while others have no reactions at all.
Skin Irritants
Skins are sometimes irritated by some objects and certain environmental conditions. Some have allergic reactions to soap. Meanwhile, others may experience skin rashes after immediate or prolonged contact with metals like nickel, which usually manifests within 12 to 48 hours after the initial contact. There are also those who experience skin rashes due to temperature extremes, like during the blistering summer heat or during the frigid cold winter.
Bacterial and Viral Infection
Infections can also cause skin rashes to appear, usually as symptoms of existing conditions like shingles, measles, and chickenpox. In this case, treatment is directed towards the source of the infection, and management of the infection is assessed based on the appearance of the rashes.
Genetic Disease
Many skin rashes usually get better with time. But some may last for a lifetime. The most probable cause is due to genetic disease. Psoriasis is an excellent example of a skin condition that runs in the family. It is usually manifested by thick red patches. Another example is lupus, which is an autoimmune disease common among those with a family history of the illness.
5 Home Remedies for Skin Rashes
The best way to treat skin rashes is to seek medical advice from experts. But for mild cases, there are home remedies you can do for temporary relief from symptoms while waiting for your appointment with the doctor. Below are some relief measures that might work..
- Virgin Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is high in saturated fats with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Virgin coconut oil can improve skin hydration and provides relief from itchy skin. It is commonly used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis among newborns. To use it, just apply the coconut oil directly to the skin rashes. - Baking Soda
Baking soda is something you can pick up from your kitchen. So, it’s one of the best things you can do for relief from the signs and symptoms of skin rashes. It provides a stable acid-alkali balance that can soothe the skin. To use baking soda, just put about a cup or two of baking soda in a pail of lukewarm water and soak the skin for a couple of minutes. Rinse off and pat dry. Use a moisturizer to prevent drying the skin. - Apple Cider Vinegar
The popular centuries-old apple cider vinegar with numerous home remedy benefits may also work well in providing temporary relief from itchy skins due to rashes. It has antimicrobial properties, as well. Apple cider vinegar may work on an itchy scalp. Just apply a few times a week in full strength or diluted with water. Just make sure not to use it on cracked skin or on a bleeding scalp. - Fresh Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for having numerous health benefits, from lowering blood sugar levels and reducing dental plaques and constipation to treating canker sores and improving skin tone. It also helps relieve itchiness from skin rashes. You can apply the clear gel from the aloe vera plant directed to the area of infection for quick relief. - Epson Salts
Magnesium sulfate, in scientific terms, can soothe pains and muscle aches because it is rich in minerals and magnesium. Just like apple cider vinegar, it provides relief from scaling and itching. Just mix 2 cups of Epsom salt with lukewarm water and soak the affected skin for about 15 minutes.
Final Thoughts
A skin rash is generally nothing serious and should not be a cause for concern, although they are a nuisance and uncomfortable. But sometimes there are serious cases, especially if they are the primary symptom of the disorder. While there are home remedies, it’s still best to seek professional help to find out the triggers and avoid recurrence in the future.