People researching plastic surgery or regulars to one of the many gossip sites must have come across pictures of the results. In that case, you must have seen before and after photos of plastic surgery that don’t speak volumes about the procedure’s effectiveness. In many instances, errors on the plastic surgeon part are squarely to blame for the unflattering plastic surgery results. Surgical mistakes still happen in plastic surgery.
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is critically essential to avoid such undesirable eventualities. You need to ensure that the surgeon you choose has the right combination of expertise and experience. But it would wrong and unfair to blame the surgeon whenever a plastic surgery goes wrong as in many cases, faulty preparation for the surgery and/ or aftercare is the blame for the same. You have to consider several factors when you are talking about preparing for plastic surgery and taking care of yourself after it.
Before the Procedure
To successfully prepare your body for plastic surgery, you need to make it strong and resilient. As experts from Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute point out, some anesthesia types are accompanied by short-term side effects. Not only that, surgery puts an immense amount of stress on the body and mind. All this makes a few weeks before the actual date of surgery critical. You need to do things that take the load off your body and provide it with the necessary nutrition to aid in a successful surgical procedure. Some such aspects of daily life that you need to follow before a successful surgery are:
Cut Down On Stress
Try to minimize the stress you experience by avoiding situations where you need to stay up late or smoke or drink.
Don’t Drink or Smoke
Smokers should make it a point not to smoke for one week before the surgery and one week after it. Ideally, you should stretch this time to two weeks before and after the surgical intervention. Make the transition gradual to make abstinence easier. Don’t consume alcohol for three days, at least before the date of the surgery. Alcohol makes the blood thinner. You will do your body a world of good by abstaining from alcohol for one week before the surgery as the substance is not suitable for your immune system.
Avoid Supplements and Medicines Not Approved By the Doctor
It is critically important to avoid all sorts of supplements and types of medicines that make your blood thinner. The specific medication you need to avoid will be told to you by the concerned surgeon. Generally, the list includes fish oil, vitamin E, and NSAID medications like ibuprofen and aspirin. Remember to furnish your surgeon with a list of all the medicines and supplements you intake.
You Can Use These Remedies
For headaches that occur before or in the time following surgery, you may use Tylenol. The homeopathic medicine arnica and the supplement Bromelain works like a charm to minimize the body’s swelling and the pain you experience.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential to strengthening your immune system. It works to enhance the body’s response to a wide variety of mental and physical stressors associated with the period before surgery. Sleep for seven to nine hours daily for no lesser than two weeks before the surgery.
Tips for Faster Recovery
Planning is necessary to mentally prepare yourself for the problems you will likely encounter after the surgical procedure. Post-surgical stress often stems from a lack of the things you need to stay healthy and well. Ensure that you have made a list of all such items. And remember to observe the following tips:
- For the initial recovery period, plan and prepare your meals right at home.
- Use disposable plates and utensils, so you don’t need to wash dishes.
- Make sure you have collected all medicines and supplies you might need before the surgery.
- Adopt an on-a-vacation attitude and accordingly use autoresponders for your work email.
- Assess possible tasks you might need to complete in the post-operative period, delegate the jobs to others, or do them yourself beforehand.
- Ensure that all the paperback and Kindle books you want to read are there, along with perhaps your Netflix subscription.
- Arrange your pets of children to be taken care of during your recovery period.
- Make sure that your house is neat, clean, and tidy to ensure minimal clutter and obstacles.
- Make sure all clothing you are going to need in the post-surgical period is readily available for you.
- Hire a housekeeper temporarily or use food delivery or grocery delivery services.
One last thing is to take care of your health before and after surgery and make it a point to avoid fast foods. Even ordering foods might not be perfectly ok except for some rare instances. Instead, it would be best for you and your health to prepare your meals. Preparing your meals will help you regulate your salt intake and ensure that you stay in the pink of your health. Here’s to perfect plastic surgery for you!