Check out our interview with Utah-based lifestyle content creator Courtney Cahoon, whose high-energy influencer’s dedication to creating positive and relatable content is showcased throughout her social media channels.
Known for daily vlogs, GRWM’s, and hauls, Courtney incorporates aspects of health, fitness, home decor, and family into her brand. As a dedicated wife and loving mother, Courtney often features her husband Jake, son Hudson, and two dogs, Lulu and Billie, across her content. Passionate about fitness, Courtney recently collaborated on her own activewear line with ACTA.
Follow Courtney on IG @courtney.cahoon & TikTok @courtneyycahoon

Hi Courtney, please tell us a little about yourself.
Hi! So excited for this interview! A little about me: I was born and raised in Utah. I spent most of my childhood dancing or in school. I got married in 2018 to my husband Jake and now have an almost three-year-old named Hudson. I also have two dogs, a cavapoo named Lulu and a doxipoo named Billie. I always joke that they are the girls of the house and run the show because they are family to us. I started TikTok a little over a year ago and now I do social media full-time and am so grateful for what I get to do.
Who is your role model?
My role model is my mom. I know that may be cliche, but growing up, my mom was a single mom at the age of 23 to me and my older sister and as I’ve gotten older and become a mom, I’ve realized how incredible all that she did was. I am so grateful for her example. She has taught me so many things but the biggest one that she has taught me is that if you set your mind to something, you can do it and that overcoming hard things is possible.
How has this changed your life?
I’ve said this before on my page and I will always say it, but growing on social media has made my life do a 180 and I am so grateful for that. I would have never imagined that I would get the experiences I have gotten, meet the people I have or even just connect online with people and get to know their stories, which has made such a big impact on my life. I always talk about how much I love my community of people and every time I get the chance to chat with someone, it shows me how truly incredible this community is. I would have never imagined that I would be able to provide for my family while still getting to be around my family and my little boy and I am so grateful for that. It’s been a huge blessing and changed my life for the better.
Tell us about your work as a health, fitness, and lifestyle blogger and content creator.
I have always loved health and fitness and grew up always being active, so it’s always been a passion of mine. When I got pregnant, I gained quite a bit of weight, which is totally normal and I’ve always shared that it needs to be normalized and not pressured to “bounce back,” but after I had my baby, I knew there were steps I wanted to take to get healthy again and just feel better, so I started on a health and fitness journey to do that. It took a couple years to get feeling like myself again, but I always think slow and steady is the way to go and just enjoy the journey, don’t feel rushed, and enjoy your postpartum experience as well.
I then became certified in group fitness and taught classes because going to classes and being surrounded by my peers helped me through my journey and I wanted to do the same for others!
All of this happened before I started TikTok, and so when I started posting, I knew I wanted to share this same message and content on my page in hopes of helping people on their own journey and hopefully making it easier, less stressful, and more fun.
What kind of topics do you like to vblog about?
I love sharing my day-to-day life. Whether it be a morning routine, grocery run, travel vlog, or workout vlog I love to share it all.
How often do you upload new content?
I upload content daily, usually multiple times a day!

How many hours do you dedicate to this? From ideas, recording, editing, etc.
My husband likes to joke that I work from 7am-1am the next day and am always going or planning something for work, but family time and being a mom are so important to me, so I do take breaks throughout the day to spend time with my son and have dinner as a family. Which is probably why I work so late into the night, haha but having quality time off my phone is so important to me so late at night, I’m totally fine with it.
When you started your accounts, did you expect such a success?
Not at all. I remember I just decided to try posting every day for a week for fun and within that week I somehow had videos go viral and was loving just getting to connect with people from those and make content.
As a popular influencer and content creator, you are followed by so many people. How do you feel about the pressure of always doing the right thing and encouraging people to follow their dreams?
I feel the pressure of always wanting to do the right thing, but I just have to remind myself that everyone’s version of what’s right is different and putting that pressure on myself is a little impossible to achieve. So instead, I tried to make it a goal so that anyone that comes to my page knows that we like to have a good, fun time, that they feel welcomed and cared about and that we are truly a community here and that will always be my goal.
Now tell us about the success of your own activewear line. Big congrats!
Thank you so much! It was such a fun and surreal experience, and I was so grateful for the opportunity to do it! We spent a year creating the line and that process was so fun. I loved getting to go into design meetings and test samples to make sure they were perfect! On launch day, I remember being so excited but so nervous and I was sitting at my computer watching and when the first sale was made, I just started crying that someone bought the product and supported me. Then it just kept going and when it sold out, I couldn’t even handle it! I was so grateful for it all and had so much love and gratitude for everyone who supported me and the collection. So surreal!!
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
I love getting the opportunity to give back to my community. That is my favorite thing in the whole world. I never thought I would be in a place where I could, and it makes it so much more fun and rewarding to get to celebrate things or experience things together because I truly wouldn’t be here without them and so we really did this together and I want them to be able to celebrate that as well!
Which place that you have visited do you think changed you in a particular way, maybe for motivation or to see a different reality, etc?
One place that really changed my outlook on things was when I got to go to NYFW. I have never experienced anything like that at that level and it motivated me to keep going because the sky really is the limit.
What is your favorite healthy food?
My favorite healthy food would have to be salmon. I LOVE FISH! I could have it for every meal; its so good.
And your favorite cheat food?
I am a BIG sweets girl so its always going to be something sweet! Probably doughnuts or sour gushers. Those are my go-to!
What’s next for Courtney Cahoon in 2024?
I have a couple of very exciting collabs that have been in the works for a while now and I can’t wait to share more when I can!
Do you support any charities?
I am big on giving back to childhood cancer research. I have a close friend whose baby was diagnosed earlier this year and ever since then, I have learned so much more about it and how extremely underfunded childhood-specific cancer research is and I have been involved in donating and spreading awareness about it.
Where do you see yourself and your career in 5 years?
I will still be sharing my content, but with a business or talk show started. I went to college for broadcast journalism, so it would be a dream to have a talk show or something like that. Or both the business and talk show! Always dream big! Haha.
Where can we follow you?
Yes! You can find me on TikTok @courtneyycahoon and Instagram @courtney.cahoon