Check out our interview with super popular lifestyle creator + T1-D advocate Kaeli Mae, who is best known for her simplistic and ultra-organized aesthetic, which is seen in her incredibly popular “clean girl” TikTok’s.
The Seattle-based influencer first rose to popularity in 2021, for her viral mini fridge restock videos, and her following has skyrocketed ever since, with over 14 million followers on TikTok who are addicted to her aesthetically pleasing videos surrounding fashion, beauty, home essentials, cleaning, and organization. She has partnered with a plethora of major brands like Amazon, Calvin Klein, Pureology, L’Oreal, Shark FlexStyle, STIL, and more. Additionally, McEwan is ready to open up further about her recent diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. As a young woman, she finds it important to showcase living her life normally in spite of the autoimmune disorder and hopes to encourage others who have been diagnosed to do the same.
Follow Kaeli Mae on IG @kaelimaeee and TikTok @kaelimaee

Describe yourself in three words.
Determined, kind, and reliable.
How did you get started in the business?
During quarantine, when TikTok started trending a lot more, I was inspired to create my own content!
How has this changed your life?
More than I can ever say! I was working 2 jobs and going to school full-time before creating content. I didn’t have or take the time to properly care for myself and wasn’t happy. I now work from home and create my own schedule and make the time to take care of myself! My life has completely changed and I couldn’t be more happy & thankful!
Tell us about your work as a content creator.
I create home & lifestyle content every day. This can be my routines, cleaning my home, restocks, vlogs, etc. I also do a lot of ASMR-style videos. I will also work with different companies who reach out to collaborate with me creating a video centered around their product!
Where or when did you find the love for this?
In 2020, during quarantine!
Do you have a favorite video from all the ones you have created? If so, why?
This is a hard question! I don’t think I have a favorite, but one that means a lot to me is my very first mega-viral video that helped to start this all! It was a minifridge restock in my room at my mom’s house!
People love the good style and decor skills you have. Where does that talent come from?
Growing up, my stepmom always had an eye for design and organization. My family also always watched those home renovation & design shows, so I believe most of my drive for decorating and style come from that! My aesthetic & taste has definitely evolved over time, but the passion has always been there!
Tell us about the huge TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube success, and what are you doing to keep it going and growing even more? That’s amazing! 🙂
Thank you so much! The key is to stay consistent! In the very beginning, I was posting around 3 times per day to try and get traction and find my audience. Now a few years later, I’ve found my niche and what I’m passionate about posting and I continue to upload content every day and engage with my audience!

How often do you upload new content?
Almost every day on TikTok.
How many hours do you dedicate to this? From ideas, recording, editing, etc.
Every day, I’d say it totals up to around 4–5 hours, including everything!
What do you think is the secret to having a successful TikTok/IG account?
Staying consistent for sure! And engaging with your audience is a huge factor as well.

From all your social channels. What goes first? TikTok, IG, YouTube?
TikTok is my largest platform and I always post my content there first!
When you started your accounts, did you expect such a success?
No, not in a million years!! I started it for fun, and it turned into my full-time job!
What mindsets helped make you so successful?
Staying motivated, persistent, and consistent.
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
Definitely the motivation and inspiration I give to others. I receive so many comments and DMs from people saying how my videos have actually changed their lives or pulled them out of a dark place. Some people say my videos motivate them to take care of themselves and clean their space, it’s all such a rewarding thing to hear and inspires me to keep making my content!
What advice would you give to your younger self, and why?
That even when you feel like you’re failing or not doing enough, don’t give up because it’s not the end! I say this because I’ve gone through many moments of being down on myself and feeling like I’m not doing or being enough, that is NOT true! Times can get hard for everyone, but it’s important to be surrounded by loving people to help get you through.
Something people don’t know about you
I loveeeee the NFL!!

What is your favorite healthy food?
Definitely avocado toast or sweet potatoes!
And your favorite cheat food?
Ice cream!
How would you explain your fashion style?
Neutral, minimal, elevated.
How would your best friend describe you?
Thoughtful, funny, and hard-working.
What’s next for Kaeli Mae in 2024?
Hoping to come out with something exciting very soon!
What is your own definition of happiness?
Not ever worrying about what anyone else thinks and just living happily in the moment with those around me!

How is a normal day in your life?
Busy!! I am a dog mom of 3, and a cat mom of 1. Every morning is chaos when it’s time to let them outside and feed them breakfast, they’re all so excited to start the day! After that, I always make my morning coffee and sit down for a bit and plan out my day, what I’m going to film, etc. I’ll normally have a late breakfast after planning and then get right into content creation! This takes around 4 hours, so by the end of the day I spend time with my fiancé and all of our fur babies, make a nice dinner and relax!
What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?
Waking up early, making a cozy breakfast, and getting a complete Sunday reset done around the house!
Name three things you can’t live without.
My coffee, skincare, and cozy sweat sets!
Where do you see yourself and your career in 5 years?
Hopefully still growing and expanding! I hope to be successful & have my own line of something that is doing well 🙂
What do you think of social media?
Both a blessing and a curse! I am fortunate to have had amazing things come my way from social media and create my life, but it does have its faults. Social media can be so delusional and negatively influence so many people. A lot of people don’t realize that most creators on social media are only showing you what they want you to see. Only showing the good parts, or overly edited unrealistic photos. This has a huge negative impact, especially on young girls, so I try to be as real as possible and demonstrate that it’s not all perfect all the time!
Where can we follow you?
TikTok: @kaelimaee
IG: @kaelimaeee
YouTube: Kaeli Mae
Travel Destination: The Maldives is our dream trip!
Sports Team: Seattle Seahawks