Check out our interview with talented Canadian actress Karen Cliche who is best known for her roles as Mackenzie Priven in Gayle Ann Hurd’s Adventure Inc. and starring in the popular horror film series SAW IV.
Cliche joins Patrick Dempsey, Addison Rae, Milo Manheim, Gina Gershon and Rick Hoffman in Eli Roth’s latest thriller film Thanksgiving. Based on the mock-trailer from Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse, this film follows a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizing Plymouth, Massachusetts, the birthplace of the infamous holiday. Karen plays a pivotal role as Rich Hoffman’s wife who finds herself at the center of a memorable Thanksgiving dinner!
Follow Karen @karencliche

Hi Karen, describe yourself in 3 words?
Spontaneous, Loud Laugher, Crazy Cat lady
What is the best and worst part of being an actress?
The fact that every day, every role, and every project is different keeps life interesting. I love mornings because you never know what the day will bring. The ups come with the downs though, and those months you go without work can be hard. Keeping hopeful can be challenging.
Tell us about your work in Eli Roth’s latest thriller film “Thanksgiving?”
This experience was like nothing else. Working with Eli was such a treat—his energy, his ideas, his kindness was so helpful during my crazy scenes in the movie. I pushed myself to the limit and I felt he was in the trenches with me, both of us wanting to create something terrifying. I really wanted to live up to his vision. The entire cast and crew were amazing too!
What kind of roles do you like or would like to play and why?
I have played mostly strong characters, and in the past most of my roles were action based, which I loved. Fight scenes excite me. I think because my dad was a sergeant, and I had a strong capable mother, we weren’t raised to be dainty girls, so I love getting dirty and physical!

How would your best friend describe you?
They would say I am fun, opinionated, unfiltered, thoughtful, and a lover of margaritas with no salt!
If you are a book, what would be the title of the book and why?
“NOT A CLICHÉ”. or, “NOT A KAREN”. Not a Cliché because my name has no accent despite being called that most of the time haha, but also because people often describe me as unique and not what they expect. And ‘Not a Karen” is a joke because I have the most unfortunate name of the century lol. I don’t complain a lot, and am pretty positive, so I am not your typical Karen this way!
What advice would you give to your younger self and why?
I wish I would have had the confidence to aim higher in my goals, or had a vision career wise, and financially too. I just lived in the moment and was happy to be working and having fun.
What is your favorite healthy food?
I love smoothies. It is the best way to get all the good stuff in you fast!
And your favorite cheat food?
Pizza, warm cinnamon rolls, chewy brownies.
What is your own definition of happiness?
I always evaluate my life like this: If I were to die today, how would I feel about my life, and the things I have done, and how I treated people? If I smile when I think of all those things, I feel at peace. I have tattoos that say “No Dress Rehearsal” (a lyric from the band The Tragically Hip) but it means life is a one shot deal. This is it, make sure you live it to the fullest. And the other is “Anything Can Happen” because it is a reminder that anything can happen at any time, good or bad, so live in the moment and appreciate it all.

Where do you see yourself and your career in 5 years from now?
I hope to put my older and wiser self to effective use in interesting, challenging roles. Becoming a mom 14 years ago broke me open and took down walls that kept me from being vulnerable. Now, having lived so much and experiencing life without those walls, leaves so much room for deeper feelings. I see how much my acting improved in the last few years of being more emotionally raw. I would like to spend more time in L.A as well. Especially in winter, get me out of cold Canada lol!
What do you think of Social Media?
I only really use Instagram, and I love it. I love connecting with people and so much of my socializing is done there with people all over the world. Social media gets a bad rap, but you choose who you follow, so you can customize your experience and enjoy it. I spend too much time on it, and too much time sending stupid memes to friends… but hey 😉

Where we can follow you?
Instagram @karencliche & Twitter @ikarencliche
Travel Destination: MAUI