Check out our interview with the talented creator of the “The Kardashian’s Last Supper” paint visual artist MØTH.
She considers it a modern-day historical piece as it encompasses the controversial history of the Kardashian family saga up unto the “Kimye” divorce as da Vinci’s original Last Supper encompassed the history of the final days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. She is the first to blur the lines between pop culture and fine arts in this way. The exclusive reveal of her 3ft x 6ft piece couldn’t be timelier with the final season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians currently airing on E.”
Follow MØTH @follow_the_moth
Hi Molly, please tell us a little about you?
Hi. I’m Molly Roth but by pseudonym my artist’s/undercover agent name is simply MØTH. I’m an oil painter and I live in Los Angeles. I drive a Subaru but for hot dates, I ride my motorcycle. Unless it’s a date outside where I’m allowed to bring my dog. Then I drive my Subaru. *WINK*
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Sex. Drugs. Rock-&-Roll.
Who is your role model?
What is the best and worst part of being an artist?
I can honestly say I haven’t experienced anything bad yet. I just love painting so it’s always a win/win to me no matter the outcome. But the best part of being an artist is selling my paintings. I know why that sounds superficial but to receive money is a genuine exchange of value for your work. That caliber of this type of positive feedback towards all the effort you’ve put into that piece of art and connecting visually or emotionally with the world has just been authenticated. It’s like, a high respect thing. If you crushed it, the sale is the mic drop.
Of course, there are some more profound aspects I could go on about. I’ll keep it at cash.
How and when did you start into painting?
I just took one class a few years ago and found out I maybe had a knack for it?
Do you ever get nervous?
I am always nervous. Anxious nervous or excited nervous.
What did you learn from your biggest failure?
To be better
What book should every entrepreneur read?
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
Again, the cash. Am I an asshole for saying this?
Now tell us about your debut painting “The Kardashian’s Last Supper?”
Yay! Okay! I am now releasing a large-scale (72” x 36”) fine/pop art piece using the exact classical painting methods of the great Venetian masters of the Renaissance; my own version of da Vinci’s “Last Supper” piece, which we all know what looks like. However, to make my own unique twist on it I have exchanged out Jesus and his Apostles with modern day characters whom we “idolize” in our current youth culture like Kanye West (Yeezus) as Christ and the entire Kardashian family as the Apostles. It is a satirical commentary piece and I thought it funny to combine such a beautiful, famous piece of religious art with characters on the other end of the spectrum. Some people take offense at this but like most comedy, in the offense lurks a wider perspective. Following the shock and laughter is a pause for thought, if done correctly. It is not “fan-art” nor is it my personal belief towards this particular family. It is a comedic statement piece.
All of the modern characters in the piece were in the exact same positions as da Vinci’s Last Supper, except I inserted some sneaky accessories like iPhones in their hands, selfies, gossip, makeup, cocaine, and of course, Kanye’s Yeezys. There are hidden messages in there, just like the original Last Supper. There is controversy too. Over all, my piece, depicts the rise of this family beginning with Robert Kardashian’s defense of OJ Simpson (who is the apostle “Judas”, the betrayer of Christ, a bad guy) which brought publicity to this family. Up until the Kimye divorce, hence the Last Supper.
With the consult of my art mentor and phenomenal classical painter, Thomas Garner, we made sure that pigments are accurate to the time period, painting techniques, religious symbolism used in that era, and the appropriate costly colors such as ultra-marine blue were used for important people like Mary and Jesus in the piece. The humor I’m attempting is how accurately I tried to keep it to that period of art but with a juxtaposition Millennial switch-a-roo.
Why did you decided to paint them and have you had any comments from them or anyone in their team about this?
Their team is too terrified of showing them. Long story short. Their team loves it though! They will see it, eventually because I know where it will be! (Secrets!)
What is your favorite healthy food?
Korean BBQ.
And your favorite cheat food?
Korean BBQ.
How would your best friends describe you?
I asked my friends so here we go, internet…
“A wild and spontaneous spirit bursting with creative energy and love. She’s a thrill seeker who loves deeply and passionately. Few people are truly on the level that Molly operates on. She’s deeply passionate and empathic and definitely the kind of person you want to have in your corner.” -Greg
“Fearless, gracious, open, and free. Always curious. As confident as she is curious. As stunning in verity as she is in visage. A master of precept and application. Blurring the lines between novelty and art nouveau…” -Renn
(“Okay, Renn, we can stop” – Molly)
“…Some art critics think of popular culture as novelty, trivial and insignificant. But pulling attention to it in a way that brandishes your intention.” – Renn
“She’s a big bitch”- Charlotte
“Exceptional!” – Ali
“Plays music too loudly” – Mom
“Caring, beautiful, unique, & talented” – Ada
“Molly fills a room with sunshine, she is always so full of life. She is beyond talented and can achieve anything she sets her mind to. It’s hard to believe that someone so gifted also has such a huge compassionate heart, and is also drop dead gorgeous” – Sheena
What’s next for Molly Roth/MOTH MØTH in 2021?
I am working on my next painting, featuring two of the most influential power couples in the world. Can you guess who?
What is your own definition of happiness?
Quality relationships.
What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?
Running along the beach with a hundred unleashed golden retriever puppies and my husky, Boogie.
Best advice ever given?
Do you support any charity?
LA Pets of Homeless (
My friend, Dijana, is a real-life Mother Theresa to animals. She goes weekly, on her own accord (and she’s a tiny faerie), to Skid Row in downtown LA to checkup on the pets of the homeless. She will spay/neuter, pay for their shots, get them any needed medical treatment, make sure they are living in decent conditions, rescue if needed, and has every number in her phone of these homeless people so she can stay in communication and be of help at all times. She pays for everything out of her own pocket. So, trust that this amazing little human bean will put good use to growing 101% your donations into a really great cause in helping protecting these animals!
Name 3 things you can’t live without?
Where do you see yourself and your career in 5 years from now?
Favorite song? Why?
I’m on a Boat.
What music do you like?
Boat music.
What do you think of Social Media?
An abusive relationship you keep coming back to.
Where we can follow you?
Instagram: @follow_the_moth
TikTok: @followthem0th (that’s with a zero!)
Facebook: @followthemoth
Soundcloud: @followthemoth
If I join another platform, you can guess what my username will be.
Favorite Singer/Artist: RENN, Sheena Wenger, Ada Pasternak
Movie: The King of Kong, a documentary about Billy Mitchell “Video Game Player of the Century” and Steve Wiebe, a man who is determined to beat Mitchell’s record. So both men embark on a cross-country battle for inclusion in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records as the supreme Donky Kong king. It will leave you shouting on the edge of your seat! A real-life psychological thriller!
Travel Destination: Fiji
Sports Team: The MØTHS