If you decided to become a college student, there’s no way to avoid writing essays. Essay is one of the common types of academic writing aimed at developing essential skills in students. Essays are assigned on a regular basis in multiple classes, such as Law, English, Commercial Management, and others. So, it’s up to you to learn how to write effective, strong, and appealing college papers, which will help you impress your instructors. Of course, there’s no universal recipe for a successful essay. Each student adopts and utilizes only those writing strategies and techniques they find most helpful and efficient. Still, there are some useful tips which have already helped multiple students get started on their road to an impressive essay. So, just before you start beating your brains out in the attempt to figure out the most effective strategy that will help you get through your writing process with flying colors, we suggest that you take a look at the following tips.
First, Read!
You may be surprised to learn that lots of students don’t pay due attention to analyzing available sources before getting down to their essays. A vast majority of young learners spend their precious time sitting before their monitors and looking at a blinking cursor, as if expecting some sort of miracle to help them complete a difficult task. Needless to say, there’s no chance that your essay decide to write itself. So, you can either contact a reliable essay writing service and ask them “Write my essay for me” or try to read your essay prompt again. Yes, you heard right, reread you essay prompt! The sad truth is many students skim instructions or essay prompts or don’t bother to comprehend what’s being expected of them, which results in a superficial and erroneous interpretation of facts in their academic papers. If you read you prompt more carefully and completely understand the task at hand, chances are good you’ll present a more in-depth analysis of your topic in your paper and thus score a better grade.
Know Your Audience
Once, one learned women said, “Write to express, not impress.” Though we all want our college papers to stand out from the crowd, it shouldn’t be the end in itself. So, once you decide on what to write, take a minute and think about your intended audience. It’s necessary that everything you write be interesting to your readers. Moreover, you need to make sure that the evidence and arguments you’re using are strong enough to persuade the readers you’re addressing yourself to. It’s a good idea to think of real readers or even visualize them when getting down to your essay. By doing so, you’ll start putting more effort into your essay. You can’t deny the fact that writing for real people is a more responsible mission than writing for some abstract, undefined audience. The worst thing you can do is to distance yourself from your readers and make them feel uninvolved. Knowing your audience will help you adopt an appropriate tone and find your writing stride.
No Assumptions and Fallacies
Have you ever thought about what makes a good and credible author? It’s not only a strong thesis statement, appropriate essay structure, and smooth transitions between paragraphs… It’s also the ability to avoid invalid assumptions in your writing. Don’t get it wrong, you can pass judgments on what’s being discussed in your paper and express your point of view, but also as long as you can substantiate your claims and find relevant evidence wherewith you can backup your arguments. Steer clear from making a claim or putting forth an argument if you find yourself incapable of defending it by logical means.
Furthermore, take care to timely identify and exclude biases, stereotypical judgments, and prejudices from your writing. The best way to ensure against these is to ask your mentor to read your paper and help you locate weak points in it.
Another common error in reasoning and logic is playing on your audience’s feelings and emotions, also known as argumentum ad passiones. To avoid it in your writing, keep it in mind that your essay isn’t the place for persuading through emotions. As we have noted, they are facts and evidence that need to act as persuaders in your paper. Thus, you’ll be able not only to prove yourself right but also maintain a reputation of a credible author.
We sincerely hope that adhering to our advice will help you succeed in writing your academic papers!