Anyone who has been caught with shortness of breath or severe trouble breathing will attest to how terrifying it can be. Although everyone is aware of how important breathing is for survival, it can be difficult to comprehend just how frightening it can be to suddenly find yourself unable to breathe properly. While some incidents may be brought on by factors you are aware of (choking, contaminated air, etc.), other times, it can be a mystery. Therefore, if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it’s prudent to err on the side of caution and either call the emergency services if you cannot breathe or make an appointment with your doctor if you are suffering from a continual inability to breathe efficiently.
How Can Breathlessness Affect Your Life?
Shortness of breath can drastically alter your life, making routine tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or simply taking groceries from your car to your house become strenuous or even impossible tasks. Aside from the physical challenges, it can also trigger psychological conditions such as anxiety or even depression due to the increasing difficulty of normal activities.
What Factors Lead To Breathing Problems?
The sheer variety of potential causes for shortness of breath is one of the most frightening aspects of this condition. If it’s persistent, most people will assume the worst such as lung cancer or other severe pulmonary issues. However, before you immediately think about the worst, you should know there are a variety of health conditions that can lead to breathing issues. The following list is not exhaustive, and you should always visit your doctor before self-diagnosing.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a term for a variety of lung diseases, including the most prevalent ones, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Although COPD is often referred to as a smoker’s disease, there are several factors that could lead to it, ranging from a history of lung issues to being exposed to hazardous air. Although there is no cure, there is a multitude of actions you can take to limit the effect it has on your life. If you are a smoker, quitting should be your first priority, as smoking aggravates the illness and can worsen your breathlessness over time.
Perhaps the most well-known pulmonary problem, asthma, is a chronic condition whereby your airways can become inflamed and close up, causing you to feel out of breath. It can be treated with a variety of medications that can keep it under control and help you avoid potentially life-threatening asthma attacks.
Allergic Reactions
A sudden, unexplained shortness of breath could be an indicator of an allergic reaction in the body. In this instance, your body is fighting itself and causing your airways to close up. In some cases, things will return to normal; in others, you might require medical attention and an epinephrine shot to stop your body from battling itself.
Common misconceptions about anxiety attacks attribute them to normal levels of worry. However, in severe cases, they can feel like you’re experiencing a heart attack and cause serious dyspnea, further compounding the issue.
A shortness of breath could indicate many ailments ranging from an allergic reaction to other more severe lung or heart complications. Regardless of what is causing it, you should speak with a professional who can accurately diagnose the problem and suggest a course of action to prevent this from happening again in the future.